How a Renaissance Floor In-lays Helps Design Hardwood Floor Inlay
However, they can also be plain, especially in large open areas. A judicious use of area rugs can help with both this and the tendency of hardwood to be cold in the winter, but if you want something truly special, you should consider a hardwood inlay. These most often take the form of borders – which draw the eye to the walls – or medallions, which accent open areas. Renaissance floor inlays can be purchased in a variety standard designs, depending on the vendor.
To take it a step further, though, you can hire a company to design a custom floor inlay. By the use of marquetry techniques, a surprising amount of color can be put into the custom design, and you can choose a design that fits your taste and lifestyle and matches the overall appearance of your home.
A good designer will help you pick the precise size and style of inlay to give the best impression – hardwood floors are often best used in high traffic areas such as halls or landings. Making a custom hardwood floor inlay one of the first things people see when they enter your home can give an impression of wealth and class and, of course, increase your home’s value.
Modern hardwood inlays are sometimes made by hand, but often use computer aided design to ensure that everything fits the plans. They can be cared for exactly the same as a plain hardwood floor and will last just as long, so why not contact an experienced flooring company and ask about custom inlays today.